Friday, September 29, 2006

Sorry Rope

Hello to all. I just had the opportunity to read your comment on my blog Rope. Sorry it took so long. Just finished day 11 of 12 at work. If you can call 10 hour graveyard shifts "days". Still have one shift left before the token day off.

Even then, my pet and I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. She's getting a little testy lately as the "Master" has been spending too much time with work and not enough time maintaining his "property". *grins* I have to find some time during the 36 off hours to at least give her a paddling if not include some needle play as well. She's been a little uptight lately, and temporary piercings not only allow her to "fly", but relaxes her for a day or two afterwards.

My first obligation is to tend to my partner. Things at work should settle down a bit over the next week or so, then I can also be a little more attentive to the task at hand.....912's Birthday! I look forward to interacting with some lost friends again. Been too long.

Have to head off for now. Sleep beckons prior to engaging in another wonderful night at the workplace.


1 comment:

Rope said...

Hello Silent1
No need of apology.
I thank you for posting here, so many friends say they CANNOT. ???

Last friday, we had a nice program on your living city and surroundings (interesting program are very rare on official french TV)

Relax and when ready post.OK?

2 or 3 days before the date, I'll clear the blog from our group internal communication posts, do you agree?

Regards, best of course,
